

  1. Chen CY*, Hsieh TW, Rei W, Huang CH, Wang SC. Association between socioeconomic and motherhood characteristics with receiving community-based treatment services among justice-involved young female drug users: a retrospective cohort study in Taiwan. Harm Reduct J. 2024 Jun 5;21(1):109. doi: 10.1186/s12954-024-01010-0. PMID: 38840179; PMCID: PMC11151603.
  2. 蕭其蓁、雷文玫、謝丹雯、陳娟瑜*。社區女性非法藥物使用者童年逆境經歷與不良親密關係之相關性探討。台灣衛誌,2024,43(2):169-82。doi:10.6288/TJPH.202404_43(2).112128
  3. 陳娟瑜*、雷文玫。數位時代建立以實證為導向的毒品防制政策:健全公務資料庫基礎建設。台灣衛誌,2022,41(2):115-127。doi:10.6288/TJPH.202204_41(2).110151
  4. Lin CH, Lin WS, Wang IA, Hsu J, Wu SI*, Chen CY. Adverse effects on birth weight of parental illegal drug use during pregnancy and within two years before pregnancy. J Food Drug Anal. 2021 Jun 15;29(2):364-374. doi: 10.38212/2224-6614.3355. PMID: 35696206; PMCID: PMC9261820.
  5. Chen WT#, Wang SC, Wang IA, Tsay JH, Chen CY*. Suicide attempts and death among heroin-involved women seeking methadone treatment in Taiwan. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020 Dec 1;217:108277. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108277. Epub 2020 Sep 13. PMID: 32971389.
  6. Chen CY*, Wang IA, Fang SY, Huang N, Tsay JH, Chang SH. Inadequate prenatal care utilization among women with and without methadone-treated opioid use disorders in Taiwan. Int J Drug Policy. 2019 May;67:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2019.01.024. Epub 2019 Feb 14. PMID: 30771732.
  7. Fang SY#, Huang N, Tsay JH, Chang SH, Chen CY*. Excess mortality in children born to opioid-addicted parents: A national register study in Taiwan. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018 Feb 1;183:118-126. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.10.015. Epub 2017 Dec 2. PMID: 29247973.
  8. Chen WJ*, Wu SC, Tsay WI, Chen YT, Hsiao PC, Yu YH, Ting TT, Chen CY, Tu YK, Huang JH, Yang HJ, Li CY, Strong C, Yen CF, Yen CF, Hsu J. Differences in prevalence, socio-behavioral correlates, and psychosocial distress between club drug and hard drug use in Taiwan: Results from the 2014 National Survey of Substance Use. Int J Drug Policy. 2017 Oct;48:99-107. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2017.07.003. Epub 2017 Aug 12. PMID: 28810160.
  9. Fang SY#, Huang N, Lin T, Ho IK, Chen CY*. Health insurance coverage and healthcare utilization among infants of mothers in the national methadone maintenance treatment program in Taiwan. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2015 Aug 1;153:86-93. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.05.044. Epub 2015 Jun 10. PMID: 26096537.
  10. Chen CY*, Lien YT, Yeh HH, Su LW, Ho IK. Comparison of adverse obstetric outcomes and maternity hospitalization among heroin-exposed and methadone-treated women in Taiwan. Int J Drug Policy. 2015 Feb;26(2):191-8. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2014.07.012. Epub 2014 Jul 30. PMID: 25171908.


  1. Hsieh TW, Siew R, Rei WM, Wang SC, Chen CY. Reproductive outcomes, prenatal healthcare utilization, and predictors among the justice-involved young women who used drugs: a population-based data linkage study in Taiwan. 2024 NIDA International Forum in Montreal, Canada. (poster presentation) (travel award)
  2. Hsieh TW, Siew R, Rei WM, Wang SC, Chen CY. Reproductive outcomes, prenatal healthcare utilization, and predictors among the justice-involved young women who used drugs: a population-based data linkage study in Taiwan. 2024 The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 86th Annual Scientific Meeting in Montreal, Canada. (poster presentation)
  3. Hsieh TW, Siew R, Rei WM, Wang SC, Chen CY. Reproductive outcomes in the young methamphetamine-using women in Taiwan: the crossroads in recovery. 2023, 15th International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender (InWomen’s) Group conference. (panel presentation) (travel award)
  4. Chen CY, Hsieh TW, Siew R, Rei WM, Wang SC. Pregnancy and childbirth in relation to receiving the deferred prosecution for amphetamine-type substance-involved female offenders in Taiwan. 2023, 15th International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender (InWomen’s) Group conference. (poster presentation) (travel award)
  5. Hsieh TW, Siew R, Rei WM, Chen CY.年輕二級毒品施用女性生育與影響因素. 2022 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Public Health Association. (oral presentation)
  6. Chen CY, Wang IA, Siew R, Chen AJ. Reproductive outcomes in young women arrested for methamphetamine use in Taiwan: the potential role of deferred prosecution. 2022, 14th International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender (InWomen’s) Group conference. (invited panel presentation)
  7. Lee E, Chen AI, Wang IA, Chen CY. Illegal drug use in adolescents: a missed opportunity for intervention in Taiwan. 2022, 14th International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender (InWomen’s) Group conference. (poster presentation).
  8. Chen CY, Wang IA, Siew R, Chen AJ. Reproductive history and outcomes in the young women arrested for methamphetamine use in Taiwan. 2022 The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 84th Annual Scientific Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. (poster presentation)
  9. Siew R, Wang IA, Chen CY. Contraceptive Literacy and Utilization among Illegal Drugs-Involved Women in Community. 2022 The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 84th Annual Scientific Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. (poster presentation)
  10. Chen AJ, Wang IA, Wang SC, Chen CY. The revolving prison door for the newly released heroin-related offenders in Taiwan: the role of community-based healthcare. 2022 The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 84th Annual Scientific Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (poster presentation)
  11. Chen CY, Wang IA, Chen HH, Tsay JH, Chou YJ. Maternal substance use and diagnosed abusive head trauma: A population-based study in Taiwan. 2020 The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 82th Annual Scientific Meeting (Virtual Meeting).
  12. Chen WT, Wang IA, Wang SC, Chen CY.台灣美沙冬替代療法婦女之自殺意圖及自殺死亡相關影響因素探討. 2019 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Public Health Association. (poster presentation) (best poster award)
  13. Chen WT, Wang IA, Wang SC, Chen CY. Suicide attempts and death among heroin-involved women seeking methadone treatment in Taiwan. 2018 The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 80th Annual Scientific Meeting in San Diego, California, USA. (poster presentation) (travel award)
  14. Fang SY, Huang N, Chang SH, Tsay JH, Chen CY. Prenatal healthcare utilization among pregnant women in the methadone maintenance treatment program in Taiwan. 2017 Academy Health Annual Research Meeting in New Orleans, Los Angeles, USA. (poster presentation)
  15. Chen CY, Fang SY, Huang N, Chang SH. Excess mortality in children born to opioid-involved parents: A national register study in Taiwan. 2017 The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 79th Annual Scientific Meeting in Montreal, Canada. (oral presentation)
  16. Chen CY, Lien YT, Fang SY. 海洛因使用者後代入學前死亡率探討. 2016 Mental and Behavioral Well-Being Conference of Child Health Alliance Taiwan. (oral presentation)
  17. Lien YT, Yeh HH, Fang SY, Chen CY. A Pre–Post Comparison in Healthcare Service Utilization Among Heroin Using Women in the Methadone Maintenance Treatment in Taiwan. 2015 The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 77th Annual Scientific Meeting in Annual Scientific Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (poster presentation)


  1. 國家衛生研究院2024研究新知 2024-08-20 台灣女性毒品使用者之社經背景及生育狀態與司法處遇的相關性探討
  2. 國家衛生研究院2024研究新知 2024-08-20 童年逆境經歷不利女性毒品使用者建立健康親密關係 服務介入應納入評量以促進復元
  3. 國家衛生研究院2020研究新知 2020-11-19 穩定藥癮治療能大幅降低女性海洛因施用者自殺
  4. 國家衛生研究院電子報 第802期 2019-07-25 美沙冬治療與妊娠產檢利用率之探討
  5. 國家衛生研究院電子報 第792期 2019-05-16 美沙冬治療孕婦低產檢利用及預測因子
  6. 國家衛生研究院電子報 第753期 2018-08-03 藥物濫用的隱藏受害者—藥癮者子女
  7. 國家衛生研究院電子報 第629期 2015-12-01 美沙冬治療母親嬰孩之健康保險涵蓋與健康照護的利用率
  8. 國家衛生研究院電子報 第573期 2014-10-03 比較台灣婦女海洛因暴露與美沙冬治療之不良生育結果與分娩住院情形


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